About Us
Al Fajr Organization for Peace, Development, and Justice is one of the humanitarian institutions operating at the national level in Sudan and the surrounding region. It is an independent, multi-activity charitable organization that provides humanitarian services to those in need in Sudan and neighboring countries, without discrimination or bias, and remains uninvolved in politics or ongoing conflicts. Our vision is to be the leading organization in relief work, mitigating the effects of disasters caused by wars, and combating poverty through development.
Our Mission, Vision, and Values:
Al Fajr Organization for Peace, Development, and Justice aims to reduce human suffering by providing life-saving aid in the most vulnerable areas. We are non-political and non-sectarian in our mission to serve the needs of the most vulnerable and marginalized groups, particularly women, children, and those affected by civil conflicts in Sudan.
Our mission, vision, and values help us achieve a positive impact in communities and maintain a healthy organizational culture. All staff working with the Dawn Organization for Peace, Development, and Justice—from employees, seconded staff, indirect staff, trainees, volunteers, officers, and board members—agree to promote these goals and values. We also commit to working in accordance with our organization’s code of conduct. We are guided by humanitarian principles: humanity, neutrality, integrity, and independence.
Reason for the Organization’s Establishment:
Al Fajr Organization was founded in 2022 when several members of Al Fajr Organization for Peace, Development, and Justice called for raising funds to combat the triple threat (war, poverty, and disease) and address the growing needs of local communities in conflict zones, following rising rates of disease, poverty, and unemployment in most Sudanese states. Based on the citizens’ needs and humanitarian principles, the establishment of the organization was officially approved, with it granted legal status, headquartered in East Darfur State, and the potential to establish branches in other Sudanese states, neighboring countries, and the European Union. Al Fajr Organization aims to implement its activities in accordance with its internal regulations, striving to be a leader in relief, disaster risk reduction, and poverty alleviation through development.
Organization’s Message:
Al Fajr Organization for Peace, Development, and Justice is a leading non-profit humanitarian organization aiming to utilize donations from supporters, donors, and benefactors to provide relief to the poor and needy, improve the conditions of refugees, and combat poverty and deprivation through appropriate development projects.
Objectives of the Organization:
A voluntary organization with the aim of promoting community work and charity by reviving the spirit of volunteerism, developing capacities and talents, and creating a generation capable of preserving Sudanese cultural heritage and enhancing women’s participation in various areas of life. Additionally, the organization seeks to establish a fund to support needy students and poor families. The organization aims to achieve the following:
First: Providing Food and Drink:
• Assess the food and water needs of displaced persons.
• Organize the distribution of balanced meals and clean water.
• Establish communal kitchens to prepare meals.
Second: Providing Shelter:
• Provide safe and suitable shelter for displaced persons in their current camps.
• Provide health and environmental facilities at the shelters.
Third: Providing Healthcare:
• Provide basic medical services and treatment for the displaced.
• Provide necessary medications and psychological care.
Fourth: Providing Education:
• Establish educational programs for children and adults.
• Provide school supplies and train teachers.
Fifth: Enhancing Social Interaction:
• Build good relationships with others to significantly reduce stress and anxiety in their lives.
Sixth: Quality Education:
• Ensure quality, inclusive, and equitable education, and promote lifelong learning for all Sudanese.
• Organize social and cultural activities for displaced persons.
• Provide psychological and social support to enhance communication and social integration.
After defining these steps, available resources can be assessed, and cooperation with potential partners can be established to implement the plan successfully, with the importance of involving them in the near future to raise the slogan of “Zero Displacement” and “Zero Refugee,” and may God protect us all.
Starting Point for the Organization’s Work:
The work will begin in South Darfur, East Darfur, and Kordofan, and from there, it will spread to the rest of Sudan. It is estimated that the population of South Darfur is about 4 million people, with around 1.2 million displaced persons. Therefore, we will implement a comprehensive plan to provide food and drink, shelter, healthcare, education, and social interaction for displaced persons in East Darfur and South Darfur, then continue our work in all Darfur states, Kordofan, and other parts of Sudan.