Sponsor An Orphan In Sudan
According to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Allah (SWT) states: Sponsoring an orphan is one of the greatest deeds.
Recently that there aremillion children without proper access to water and sanitation, as well as for million children without access to education, following school closures. All Sudanese children are out of school due to the war crisis have led to school shutdowns.
Displacement, damage to infrastructure all threaten children’s’ ability to thrive in a safe environment with their families. Young boys are at danger of being recruited for child soldiers. The lives of these children aren’t easy. Can you imagine dealing with lack of food, water, education, without the comfort of parents? This project is very important to us and we hope to have your help through donations. Sponsor an orphan or donate to Sudan orphans now, let’s change lives.

Sponsoring An Orphan Child
It’s estimated that 5000 children have been forced into Illegal immigration. Risks of family separation are increasing as a result of protracted conflict and poverty. Many boys die or are injured inside the sea, or they stay behind to preserve houses, lands, and livelihoods; while Sudan, children, and elderly flee.
With so many hardships, if you sponsor a child in Sudan, it could potentially save their life. Make a difference and help the less fortunate, donate to Sudanese orphans today!